So after writing this aricle, I realised I forgot to mention how to fix the alsamixer not saving settings during system restart issue. Sure, normally you should enter sudo alsactl store, and everything should be ok. But sometimes… it’s not! Here’s how you fix that.
How to get alsamixet to save settings after restart
The steps you need to perform are these:
1. Open alsamixer
In a terminal, enter sudo alsamixer
2. Make the changes you want
And save them with the following command after exiting alsamixer:
sudo alsactl –file ~/.config/asound.state store
4. Open bashrc
Open bashrc by typing this into the terminal:
sudo nano ~/.bashrc
5. Add the following at the end:
On a new line, enter:
alsactl –file ~/.config/asound.state restore
6. Save file and reboot
Reboot the system after saving the bashrc file to test.
Your issue is now solved. Congrats!
I hope this fixed your issue too! This works for me on Ubuntu and Fedora. Haven’t tested other distros, but it should be ok.